to help you build a functional, collaborative, aligned teamTop Five Roundup: March 20, 2023
Each week, I read articles and listen to podcasts from various resources on building functional, collaborative, and aligned teams. Here are my top five picks from last week.
Revitalize your Meetings: The Four Types of Meetings
Meetings are where the work of the team is done, which means that they are naturally the source of frustration as well as the source of potential improvement.
Tip: Separate Tactical from Strategic Meetings
If your leadership team meetings have become ineffective, boring, distracted, too long, or frustrating, remember to separate the tactical from the strategic.
Leadership is a Burden
While working with a group of leaders a few weeks ago, one leader remarked on the weight of responsibility she felt while leading her team. She was questioning whether it was a positive or negative that leadership felt like a heavy weight on her shoulders. Perhaps you feel the same way.
How to Align your Team and Organization
A couple of summers ago, my wife and I went kayaking on the Harpeth River and created a nice demonstration of the value of alignment.
Not so Obvious Ways to Build Trust on Teams
I made a short list of some not so obvious methods that some of the leaders of teams I’ve been working with have successfully used recently to build trust on their teams. Here they are.
Schedule a call with Mark to discuss how one of his consulting, speaking, or training programs can help you build functional, collaborative, aligned teams.