to help you build a functional, collaborative, aligned teamWhy do you lead?
Infusing healthy into your leadership team starts with your motive for leadership.
3 Questions to Align any Team or Initiative
Use these three questions to quickly align, clarify, and gain commitment for any team or initiative.
Discipline 4: Reinforce Clarity
How do you reinforce clarity so you get results and you don’t get distracted?
Discipline 3: Overcommunicate Clarity
How do you communicate clarity to the rest of the organization? It’s not sending a bunch of emails out.
Discipline 2: Create Clarity
What does it mean to create clarity for the leadership team and thus for the rest of the
organization? Well, it’s answering six questions.
Discipline 1: Develop a Cohesive Leadership Team
Developing a cohesive leadership team is the first discipline to creating a healthy organization.
Schedule a call with Mark to discuss how one of his consulting, speaking, or training programs can help you build functional, collaborative, aligned teams.